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Candied Yams


  • Servings: 12
  • Time Cook: 30m
  • Time Prep: 30m

  • sweet potatoes or yams
  • large white marshmellows
  • butter
  • orange juice
  • packed brown sugar
  • salt
Wash potatoes, peal and cut potatoes in large chunks.
In a pot large enough to hold chunked potatoes add enough cold water to cover. Add salt. Cook over high heat till it begins to boil. Continue cooking over mediem high heat till soft. Do not over cook as it will be mushy.(about 20 mimutes at mediem high heat). Drain and set aside. Potatoes can be cooled and refrigerated up to 3 day before candid.

Heat a large frying pan over mediem high heat. Add butter and melt. When melted stir brown sugar a little at a time till all is blended with the butter. Slowly pour orange juice into mixture and contine blending. This should now look like a thicK syrup. Turn off heat. Add cooked potatoes toss till all are coated with syrup.

Put coated potatoes and all of the syrup into a 8x13in glass baking pan. Arrange marshmellows on top. Cook in a pre-heated 350degree oven about 25 mimutes or till syrup bubbles and marshmellows are lightly browned.

Serve in pan.

Use yams or sweet potatoes. Serve with turkey or ham

posted under Vegetable