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Grandma’s Famous S Cookies


  • Servings: 20
  • Time Cook: 10m
  • Time Prep: 3h

  • sifted flour
  • confectionary (powdered) sugar
  • baking powdered
  • buttered flavored Crisco
  • cold milk
  • pure vanilla extract
  • large eggs
Sift flour, sugar, and baking powder on to your working surface.
Add Crisco, mix dry ingredients with Crisco using your hand to work in the Crisco. Rub your hand with the Crisco and flour till it's blended looking like small peas. Make a mound. Spread the inner area of the mound to make a well.
In the well add the eggs and vanilla. Using a fork stir the eggs and vanilla till they are creamy yellow. Then begin incorporating the walls of the well into the egg mixture, adding SOME milk as it becomes drier. You may not use all of the milk to make the dough. When the dry ingredients mix with the wet ones you should have a lovely large sticky yellow ball of dough. It should not be too sticky.
Knead the ball for 5 mimutes if the dough sticks to the surface and will not make a ball Knead a little flour into the dough, not too much as it will make
the dough tough.
Divide the nice shiny ball into four smaller ones. Knead each smaller one about 20 times set aside. cover with waxed paper and let it rest for 2 hours.
2 hour later divide each ball in half making 8 small balls. Knead each about 20 times replace waxed paper.

Peheat oven to 350 degrees
Take a ball knead it about five times then begin making the S shaped cookies by machine or by hand. If by hand take a piece of dough roll it till it's about 1/2 inch in diameter. Cut into 3 inch lengths and form a S. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes or till botton of cookies are brown.

To make Easter egg baskets, roll a 3inch length of dough about 1/2 in thick. Connect to form a ring. Press a raw dyed egg in the ring. roll a thinner length to lay across the egg forming the handle. Bake for 30 minutes in a 300 degee oven or till the botton becomes brown. Eggs will harden during baking time. Store in a cool place.

Sweet dough used for Christmas filled cookies and Easter egg baskets.

posted under Dessert